The same Welsh Slates originally used on one of Australia's most historic properties has been utilized for its restoration.
Penrhyn Heather Blue capital grade slates were produced to the original imperial size of 18” x 9”, instead of the usual contemporary metric sizing, to match as closely as possible the original Welsh Slates on Old Farm, Strawberry Hill, Albany.
Old Farm was the home of Sir Richard Spencer, who served with Trafalgar hero Horatio Nelson, who had followed the colonization of Australia with interest and emigrated there in 1833 with his family – and enough Welsh Slate to roof the main house, a barn and an outbuilding.
But after almost 180 years, the roof required replacing and funding by The National Trust of Australia and a grant from the Australian Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities enabled the work to go ahead at the expert hands of specialist sub-contractor Carter Roofing & Slating.
Eric Hancock, conservation project officer for the National Trust of Australia (WA), said: “Whilst not a large project, the age, significance and fragile nature of the building requires some delicacy of planning and work. The builder, roof slating sub-contractor and engineer were all selected on the basis of heritage experience and previous successful conservation works.”
A time-lapse video of the project is available to view at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KyfqRWOEDU